(A guide to upcoming orators)
As you all are aware, much of your work in the school involves speaking, improving your speaking ability is therefore a must.
Several opportunities for oral presentations abound in and out of the classroom. They include answering questions in the class, asking questions, dictating notes, giving announcements to fellow students, making presentations before teachers and/or parents, taking part in debates, quizzes and dramas, etc. All these situations demand that you speak well and audibly too. In fact, they provide opportunities for you to improve your communications skills.
1. Uneasiness is normal: If you feel a little uneasy and nervous when speaking in public, it is a proof that you are normal. Being nervous is understandable in as much as you have to speak alone, you a facing a crowd (some of who may be analytical or critical), and in all possibility you have not had much experience speaking in public. All these add up to nervousness.
To overcome nervousness, you have to learn more about speaking as practice makes for perfection. 2. Preparation brings confidence: There is nothing that dispels fear and uneasiness like adequate preparation. If you what you are going to say and how you are going to say it, you will begin to focus on your subject and your techniques rather than on yourself. If possible, find an opportunity to say the speech aloud to somebody or some object, perhaps in your room.
An easy presentation is achieved by a little verbal practice.
3. Selecting a topic: If you are given the choice of selecting the topic, then note that it does not mean a title but the subject on which you choose to speak. Therefore in selecting a topic, ask yourself if it would interest you if someone else in the class were giving it.
Do a little thinking about several topics then select one for your presentation.
4. Outlining the topic: Make a brief outline of your topic. It will reveal whether the topic can be broken down into several sub-topics and whether it is worthy of using. One of the easiest ways to develop a subject is to use words like; who, where, what, why, how, and when.
The use of these six pertinent words have proved successful daily for those who make a living by speaking professionally.
5. The Introduction: Your introduction is important because it puts your best foot forward. It captures the attention of your audience. It also gives you confidence. Always have a draft of several introductions and pick one for presentation.
6. Filling in the outlines: After you have written the basic outline for your speech, you can start filling it in. You should sufficiently focus on each point so that you can easily say what needs to be said.
7. Re-arranging the outline: After you have filled in the outline, you will see that some of the major points should be re-arranged. Do not hesitate to do so if it will enable you to make a balanced presentation.
8. Adding illustrations: Look at each point you have written and see where you may insert illustrations. This will make your talk alive and interesting to your audience. Your illustrations may be from real life or those you have created to fit the point. They may also come from something you have heard or read about. At any rate, they will add luster and meaningfulness to what you say.
9. Raising questions and resolving them: Outstanding speakers know that it is good to ask questions, then discuss the answer at various points in the speech.
This is always arresting and it is a way of focusing people’s attention on the main points. It also gives drive and motion to your speech.
10. Using quotations: It is easy to dress up your speech by including a few appropriate quotations. You can consult a book of quotations to be able to do this effectively. These important sayings will add weight to what you are saying and also give your presentation a literary touch.
11. A touch of humour: Everybody likes a laugh now and then. Look over your outline and see where you might sprinkle in a clever statement, a humourous quotation, or some other statement that will give your speech a touch of lightness.
12. Appropriate Scripture: Adding some quotations from the bible where appropriate will lift your entire presentation out of the ordinary and give it ultimate authority.
13. Summarizing at a close: Most oral presentations are best if they end with a measure of summary. This not only re-emphasizes the major points but tells your audience psychologically that the presentation is being brought to a close.
From the discussion so far, we have seen that the most important thing about ones speech is the level of preparation.
If you have worthwhile material that is beautifully connected, people will listen.
However, the following techniques of speaking should not be over-looked:
(a) Look at your audience. This brings you close to them and gives your speech a personal touch. (b) Speak distinctly and also sufficiently aloud that everyone can hear. Speaking loudly involves projection. Think not of speaking to the person on the first row but lift your voice enough to reach the last row comfortably.
(c) Make simple, natural gestures with your eyes, hands, lips, etc.
(d) During your speech, move forward just a step, or perhaps move to one side a little as this brings new interest to your listeners and also makes you to be in a relaxed mood.
In conclusion, the speaking which you do in school will not only help you now but also throughout life. Many people are now making a living by becoming motivational speakers, politicians, lawyers, journalists, public relations practitioners, masters of ceremony, teachers, pastors, rights activists, and many other professionals need to develop the power of public speaking to excel in their professions.